Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Have a beautiful Christmas and holiday to all my blog visitors! And, to my faithful readers, thank you so much for visiting my very modest blog even if I haven’t much content yet. Though I haven’t many readers, if even just one person visits often, that gives me enough motivation to continue to write here. So thank you once again, may you have a pleasant holiday season. Let’s all usher in 2010 with hope for a better year!!


Here are more December blooms from my species orchids before the year is out:


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Thrixspermum amplexicaule – one of the very first orchid species I came to know, it has great sentimental value though it is a common orchid (no commercial value) here.


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Dendrobium secundum – another relatively common wild orchid found growing in fruit orchards and rubber plantations. Common name, brush orchid. Also one of the first few that started my hobby.


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Liparis species. The inflorescence on this one unusually ends in enlarged bracts (or leaves?).


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One of my favorite Phalaenopsis bellina plants. I love the green on the flowers and hope to get a pod on this for flasking on the next bloom.


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Bulbophyllum dearei. My plants are doing very well and this was a surprise find, very happy to see it.

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