Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Goodbye Facebook

I very recently deactivated my FB account. It was sucking too much of my online time. Each time I switched on the laptop to try and hammer our an article or blog entry, I ended up wasting several hours on FB instead. So to help get things up to speed again, especially in my blog, I decided to suspend my fb activities. Thus, I’ll be uploading photos to flickr and finishing up some drafts in the days to come. I have parts 2 of my Simunjan and Maludam National Park visit to finish up!


  1. Haha. can't blame you! I've been doing the same thing lately.

  2. Yeah, plus, I was sharing too much, more than any of my friends need to know. I mean, who cares what I had for lunch or breakfast right? LOL Well, apparently some people do. Also, it hit me that I've become one of those who keep checking my FB page just to see what updates there are from friends. Or what comments I received. Wasted too much time doing that. FB is fine if you have good online self discipline, I don't! haha

    Anyway, I don't miss it one bit. I'd like to log back on just to copy off some emails and phone numbers but I'll deactivate it again after. Once I get all my articles done, maybe I'll return to FB and waste a bit more time LOL.

  3. haha check this article out:
