Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thank you, MasWings!


I was supposed to fly to Mukah recently but our little MasWings Twin Otter arrived late and was later grounded because of technical difficulties. Once it was confirmed by their engineers that it wasn’t fit to fly, Maswings quickly arranged an ATR-72 to fly us to Sibu then put us 2-to-a-taxi and ferried us to Mukah (2.5 hours by land from Sibu, 50 minutes by flight from Kuching).

Our grounded Twin Otter. Right, fellow passengers enquiring about alternative arrangements.

I was quite impressed, the level of service provided for such a small group of passengers was beyond anything I had expected (my tickets cost less than RM200 return). I thought they’d just cancel or reschedule the flight, instead, we were given the choice of a full refund or the above alternative arrangement. Since many of us had important meetings and seminars to attend, most chose the latter. 

MasWings ATR-72 ready to take us to Sibu. Right, being driven to Mukah in a taxi. Note the trucks on the left queuing up to have their loads of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) weighed and sold at a processing centre.

Fortunately, the flight home saw no further delays or unwanted incidents. I even switched to an earlier flight as I was quite bored with Mukah already and couldn’t wait to get home. :)

BTW, I don't think AirAsia would bother to go to such lengths. :P

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