Monday, November 28, 2011

Limnophila species (native aquatic plant)


Found lots of Limnophila growing in this small drain flowing through a paddy field some weeks ago. This aquatic plant is native to Borneo (and SEA) and is often found growing in rice fields. It’s actually quite an attractive plant and would make a great background plant in a planted tank. The leaves that emerge above water are broader and slightly thicker while the submerged leaves are fine and feathery.

The fine leaves underwater were unfortunately covered with a layer of mud, otherwise they would look really nice even when photographed on a dull day (with polarizer of course).

Saw lots of fish in the water; was hoping to spot a gourami or two but spotted only common rasboras.

It was a rainy day so the photos are a rather dull and dark. Though I was using a different camera than my usual outdoor cam, I was still able to get some decent shots with a circular polarizer meant for my Olympus by holding the CPL in front of the lens. It wouldn’t fit the Sony lens because of the different filter thread size.

Friend snapping some underwater shots with an Olympus Tough TG-810. :)

Photographed with CPL

Left: wtihout CPL; Right: with CPL. The polarizer didn’t fit (different thread size) as it’s for my other cam but I held it in front of the lens, better than nothing. :)


  1. You've gifted it to us. It's an invasive here =) It is very beautiful though.

  2. @Chris, have you any photos of it growing over there?

  3. i dont think so but as it is cooling down heading into dry season and getting less buggy where i can go out there without being drained of all my blood, i will keep an eye for it so i can take a picture.

  4. or rather i am so sloppy on my flickr account its probably on there somewhere but i dont have a clue where it is.

  5. @Chris, I too have thousands of photos on flickr, but since I no longer have a pro account, am not able to access them. Waiting for someone to gift me a pro account hahaha.
