1. Gunung Jagoi main post
2. Flora of Gunung Jagoi (this one)
3. Local fruits at Gunung Jagoi
4. Abandoned Summit Village at Gunung Jagoi
A young and small Amorphophallus species with reddish leaflets. This structure is considered a single leaf with the leaflets spreading out at the top (think papaya leaf). Looks like it is top-heavy and all bent.
Quite striking colors! The color without flash is a lot nicer and more accurate but it was too dark under the forest canopy to get a good picture without flash.
Bromheadia finlaysoniana, a common kerangas ground orchid. They are also found growing in disturbed areas along road sides with sandy soil.
Bulbophyllum cleistogamum.
Bulbophyllum cleistogamum. I was very lucky to find one clump in flower, a fresh and new bloom too!
Seed pod. Seems like Bulbophyllum cleistogamum is self-pollinating as all of the flowers on my own plants always turn into seed pods.
An unopened bud on another Bulbophyllum cleistogamum clump.
A small colony of Bulbophyllum cleistogamum growing on a broken trunk. I hope these stay here undisturbed.
I have never seen this species of Claderia in flower before. This one is putting out what looks like a spike with some under-developed buds.
More Claderia species. Quite abundant in some places. None were in flower unfortunately.
There were many winged fruits that littered the ground all along the trail. They are the fruits of Dipterocarp trees. These were the largest Dipterocarp tree fruits that we came across. They were about 15-20cm in length. Dipterocarp trees are also called “emergent” species because they are huge and tall trees with crowns emerging high above those of other trees in the forest. This gives the effect of an uneven canopy.
It’s been a while since they were sent spiralling down from the tree tops. The green structure coming out of the fruit is probably the radical.
Winged fruits of two different Dipterocarp tree species. Dipterocarp means “two-winged fruits” but as you can see from the above photo, some species have more than two wings! In the Kuching area, Dipterocarps are most prominent in the mixed-Dipterocarp forests of Kubah National Park and the Santubong Peninsula.
A fresh one! The round fruit is quite large, about the size of a large lime. Many Dipterocarp trees are highly valued for their hard wood such as kapur (Drybalanops spp.), keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.), meranti (Shorea spp.) and selangan batu (Shorea spp.). Meranti for example, is often used for building houses, posts, roof structures etc. Kapur and selangan batu also have many uses in the local house-building industry such as for making window and door frames etc.
Another winged fruit of a different species.
This is the flower of a wild species of ginger. Some people eat the unopened flower.
Diplocaulobium species. For the flower, search my Flickr.
A tree trunk full of Bulbophyllum purpurascens.
Hairgrass, a common species in opened, exposed areas with sandy soil.
Large old trees such as this one play host to a multitude of epiphytes, insects and other flora and fauna. It’s like a little eco-system! Would be very interesting to comb through and study what lives on such old trees.
Tree trunk totally covered with Coelogyne foerstermannii.
A small species of terrestrial orchid, Peristylus species.
The flowers are very small, less than 1cm across. Peristylus sp.
The plant habit and leaves. It grows from an underground tuber buried in the sandy soil.
Sun ferns (Dipteris conjugata) are another common occurrence in the summit area of many of Kuching’s mountains.
Dipteris conjugata are also known as sun ferns because of the shape of the leaves.
A new sun! New Dipteris conjugata leaf just opening up.
A very large Tacca or bat-flower plant. Pity there was no flower.
Very curious looking structures arising from the thick layer of humus on the cushy ground.
Another photo of the peculiar structures, this time with flash. I think they’re some kind of fungus. They are soft and easily break apart.
For many more photos, please visit my Flickr photoset (click here).
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